For a while in 2024, Zazzle let us see how often any product was viewed in the last 30 days. This was a great tool for doing product research. As of January 2025, we no longer see this info on Zazzle product pages.

However, with a little bit of tech know-how, we can see this info. And all you’ll need is your desktop web browser to do it.
Step 1
Go to the product page for the product you are interested in. In my case, it’s a Chinese wedding retractable banner by BunnyFamilyKeepsake. Right click on an empty space and choose View Page Source.

You will now see a page with a lot of complex HTML on it.
Step 2
Press Ctrl+F to do a search of the HTML, and in the search box, type in 30 days. There will be several results, it will likely be the first match.

We can see that the phrase still appears in the page code, it’s simply not being published on the website. The code uses a variable, {viewCount}. This is a number saved elsewhere on this page. Let’s find what that number is.
Step 3
In your search box, replace 30 days with viewCount.
Look for a match that is laid out as “viewCount”: some number. Again, there will be several results, this one is likely near the end of the page.

There it is! We now know that this product has been viewed 1583 times in the past 30 days. That’s a big number, and a great data point to have when doing niche research.
I hope this short blog post helps you do your business research in a more efficient way, leading to better results in your Zazzle store. If you have any questions, feel free to post them below.
Peace, love & sunshine,
Jessica xx