Are you a follower of the Law of Attraction? Would you like to remember the wise words of Abraham-Hicks from the convenience of your phone? Then this is the digital product for you!
Enclosed are 30 phone wallpapers, each featuring a different Abraham quote on a beautiful cloud background. This is Set 1, which is all general alignment quotes.
Simply extract the .zip archive, then save the images onto your phone. In your phone’s photo gallery application, choose to set as wallpaper for your home screen or lock screen. For best results, rearrange your phone’s icons to not cover up the affirmations (not all phones may support that feature).
The wallpapers are 900×1600, and should fit most phones. The images are in high-quality .PNG format.
If you want a new wallpaper on your phone every few hours or days, I recommend the free app Wallpaper Changer by j4velin on the Google Play store. Personally, I have ADHD, and I need to have the wallpaper changing regularly so I remember to look at it 🙂
Quotes Included
This pack includes the following quotes:
- Things are always working out for me
- A belief is only a thought I keep thinking
- Be as happy as you want to be
- Reach for the best feeling thought you have access too
- All is well. You are loved.
- You are powerfully on your path
- There just are no wrong decisions
- I like where I am
- There isn’t anything I cannot be, do or have
- I’m expecting wonderful things to happen
- The life I live is created by the stories I tell
- What you focus on grows
- You are the creator of your own experience
- There are no limits to your ability to create
- Reach for a better-feeling thought
- Just try to feel better right now
- You may want to choose a different thought
- Choose thoughts that feel good
- It is natural for you to soar
- It is natural for you to feel good
- You are joy
- Meditation is the ultimate allowing place
- When you focus on the good, the good gets better
- It doesn’t take time, it just takes alignment
- You are joy, looking for a way to express
- It is my dominant intent to feel good
- Appreciation in advance brings everything you want to you
- Acknowledge wellbeing, and you will receive it back a thousand-fold
- Appreciation is the purest vibration that exists
- If you want it and expect it, it will be yours very soon
Terms of Use
* Personal use only. Do not resell. Do not gift to other people. You may promote this pack, using the promotional images on this page and NOT the original wallpaper files.
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