Redbubble Templates: Short Mugs, Tall Mugs, Travel Mugs

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Redbubble Templates: Short Mugs, Tall Mugs, Travel Mugs
Download two free templates for Redbubble mugs, to make your own high-quality print-on-demand artworks. See how to use them in this blog post...


Redbubble has provided .PNG and .PSD templates for their short / tall mugs and travel mugs, but I found them to be lacking in some key areas. I’ve made some new versions of these templates so you can make even better print-on-demand products.

Short and Tall Mugs

Short and tall mugs use the same template. The template’s dimensions are 1624 x 2700px, which is the size of the image for the tall mug. The short mug will take its image from the middle section of this template, an area sized 1120 x 2700 px.


Redbubble mug template showing small mug area as narrow rectangle
Redbubble mug template showing tall mug area in pink

Old Template

Ripped from Upload Screen

Redbubble mug template ripped from upload screen by JessicaAmber

This template is simply the overlay shown when uploading a mug to Redbubble. The only markings on it are the lines between short mugs and tall mugs.

And then there’s Redbubble’s offical mug template, which includes the dimensions for each mug type. That can be downloaded from this Redbubble blog post.

New Template

My mug template was made to do several things that Redbubble’s template didn’t do.

  1. Allow easier centring of art
  2. Clearly show which side of the mug, and how much of that side, will show in product photos

Centred Art

The most crucial aspects of a mug template, at least for me, are to allow precise centering of your artwork, and to know exactly what part of the artwork will be visible in product photos. The old templates didn’t do this – but my ones do.I’ve drawn in a line so you can centre things manually, or in the .PSD version there are guides that your art can snap to.

Animation showing an picture of a gun being moved a Redbubble mug template in Photoshop. The art snaps to a guideline

Preview Side

These templates have been made after a 2020 update, where all mug preview images were forced to show the handle on the right, and my template takes that into account too. [Before this, it was up to the artist to choose which side got displayed].
Right-side view of a mug with an artwork template applied to it, as it appears on Redbubble.

My template has the side that shows in the main preview photo – the right side – clearly labelled with text and a blue tint.

Left-side view of a mug with an artwork template applied to it, as it appears on Redbubble.

The left side of the mug is tinted pink.

Middle view of a mug with an artwork template applied to it, as it appears on Redbubble.

And the remaining area, not visible in left view or right view, is coloured in dark grey.

Left and right side of a short mug as it appears in Redbubble's uploader. Left side is pink, right is blue.

When you use this template, the images you see in the upload screen may not look centered. But they will be centred on the published product photos, so don’t worry.

Examples in Use

Using this template, I was able to make this Weeping Moon design mug have a interesting feature – drips would appear on the top and bottom edges of the tall mug, but not the short mug. What other creative things could you do with this template?

White and purple mug witha silhouette of a black dripping moon
White and purple mug with black dripping edges and a silhouette of a dripping moon

Download Short/Tall Mug Template

Travel Mugs

Unlike short and tall mugs, travel mugs will always show their front in product images – the front being where the mouthpiece is on the lid.
I’ve marked out in blue exactly what part of the image will be displayed on the main product photo.
I’ve marked out the bleed area in red. That is, area that will probably be cut off but your art should cover it anyway.
I have also added a centre line for centering your art.
Unlike the template for the short/tall mugs, this one was not based on a Redbubble template, but created from scratch, by me. It took a dozen back-and-forths between my browser and Photoshop, figuring out exactly where each line should go, but at this stage it’s pretty darn accurate.
Redbubble travel mug template by Jessica Amber. Bleed and front areas are clearly marked.

Here’s how the template would look in the Redbubble editor preview, and as a published product.

Redbubble travel mug template as it appears in Redbubble's uploader, with bleed area clearly visible.
Front view of mug featuring an artwork template as it appears in Redbubble's store, with no bleed visible.

Download Travel Mug Template


I hope these templates will prove useful to you when you are creating and uploading your own Redbubble products. I’ve compiled every Redbubble template I can find in one easily-bookmarkable webpage if you need more templates. And as always, if you run into trouble, just leave a comment and I’ll be happy to help out.

Peace, love and sunshine,
Jessica xx

Handwritten calligraphy-style signature that says 'Jessica' with a heart dotting the i

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